Ingonyama Blogs
Check out blogs, papers, pieces, and videos published by the Ingonyama Team
Sumcheck 201
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Application of Graph Methods for Efficient Quotient Polynomial Evaluation in Halo2
Medium Link
Fast Danksharding Video & Slides
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Recap: ZK Capture the Flag
Medium Link
Introducing Blaze: ZK Acceleration for FPGA
Medium Link
Hardware Review: GPUs , FPGAs and Zero Knowledge Proofs
Medium Link
RISC Zero Prover Protocol & Analysis
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ZK Hardware Table Stakes part 1 -MSM
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Unleashing Secure AI
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Fast Danksharding using ICICLE
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Fast-Danksharding Implementation
Introducing ICICLE: An Open-Source GPU Library for Zero Knowledge Acceleration
Medium Link
ICICLE - GPU Library
A Brief History of Lookup Arguments
Medium Link
How Zero-Knowledge Proofs Will Change Gaming Forever
Medium Link
Intro to ECNTT from Starkware Sessions 2023
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Deep Dive into the Sumcheck Protocol with Justin Thaler
YouTube Link
Multi-Precision Fast Modular Multiplication
Medium Link
Hardware-friendliness of HyperPlonk
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Zero Knowledge Proofs and the Metaverse
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The Z Games: Pushing ZK Provers to the Extreme
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Goldilocks NTT Trick
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Down the Rabbit Hole: Optimizing AWS F1 Direct Memory Access (DMA)
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Sparkworks - Native Hardware Acceleration in Arkworks
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NTT Mini: Exploring Winograd’s Heuristic for Faster NTT
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Marlin & Me: A Deep Dive into the Heart of the Marlin ZK Protocol
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Bridging the Multichain Universe with Zero Knowledge Proofs
Medium Link
Systemization of Knowledge: ZK-Friendly Hash Functions
Medium Link
HackerNoon: Using Cloud-ZK for Developing ZKP Acceleration in the Cloud
HackerNoon Link
Cloud-ZK: A Toolkit for Developing ZKP Acceleration in the Cloud
Medium Link
Repository Link
HackerNoon: Lowering the Barrier of Entry to Zero Knowledge Proofs
HackerNoon Link
A Mathematical Theory of Danksharding
Medium Link
PipeMSM: Hardware Acceleration for Multi-Scalar Multiplication
Medium Link and Paper
Fast Modular Multiplication
Medium Link
Ingopedia: A Repo for all things ZK
Medium Links
Poseidon-Hash Repository
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Polygon’s zkEVM Fun Facts
Medium Link
Introducing Ingonyama
Medium Link